About Audeo

Audeo is a niche legal consulting firm that specifically focuses on business law and legal transaction work (private equity, venture capital and M&A transactions). The firm provides high quality legal assistance at affordable rates.

Audeo means ‘to venture, to dare, to risk, to be bold and courageous’ and thus perfectly describes the mindset of the firm’s (prospective) clients: private equity investors, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and business managers that rise to their entrepreneurial challenges and want to develop and grow sustainable businesses. These clients will find a dedicated, proactive and above all pragmatic legal ally in Audeo.

In poetry, Audeo refers to being eager for battle. Audeo wishes to assist its clients as a passionate legal ally during their entrepreneurial journey, confronting legal topics in a constructive and result-oriented manner. In order to ensure customized and tailored services, Audeo always enters into a personal commitment and the firm is permanently willing to invest in the relationship with its clients. At Audeo, ‘know your customer’ is the way the firm does business.

Your Legal Partner

Stijn Van Loock is your legal partner at Audeo. Stijn is a dedicated, proactive and pragmatic legal counsel with more than 20 years of corporate law, M&A, private equity and venture capital experience. He has been involved as deal team member in numerous private equity and venture capital transactions across Europe.

Stijn provides legal support to private equity investors in the context of their investments and divestments. He is particularly passionate about venture capital and has a demonstrated history of advising founders, managers and financial investors in the context of IT and life sciences transactions. As trusted advisor to C-level executives, Stijn advises directors and managers on corporate law matters and acquisitions and divestments.

Before founding Audeo, Stijn was active as legal counsel for Gimv, a listed investment company predominantly active in Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany. Prior to joining Gimv, Stijn worked as a senior corporate and M&A lawyer at Laga law firm (currently Deloitte Legal).

Stijn is a has-been goalkeeper, foodie and cycling enthusiast.
